Since 1995
Three ECO products - Abkhazian lobio, vegetable paella and Sicilian vegetables - were awarded the gold medal of the Best Product 2019 competition. And the EKO green peas were awarded a bronze medal.
Serbian baked beans, Italian beans with vegetables and Greek beans with ECO mushrooms, as well as caviar from squash and Bulgarian lecho ECO were awarded the gold medal of the competition. And the eggplant sauté in Hungarian was awarded a silver medal.
World Food Moscow-2018
The Lakonia group of companies presented novelties at the exhibition: peach compote, Abkhazian lobio and EKO eggplant caviar, and also presented an updated design of the Solvita canned vegetable label.
Chef Notes
1. Notes by Jamie Oliver Jamie Oliver is a famous chef from England, restaurateur, and part-time showman. With his philosophy of proper nutrition, he was able to interest millions of people around the world. How to peel ginger easily and painlessly? In order not to touch the ginger pulp and ...
How to peel tomatoes?
Every gourmet knows that in order to prepare a delicious and soft tomato puree soup or tomato paste, it is imperative to peel the tomatoes. But how to gently peel a tomato without affecting the pulp and your nervous system?) It's simple. For this: Place the tomatoes in warm water for about ...
How to choose an eggplant without seeds?
Arriving at the store, choose eggplants, which are lighter than the rest, they will be with a minimum number of seeds. But! When frying, such fruits will absorb more oil, therefore it is more difficult to cook from them. Turn on high heat to make the flesh cheesy and golden. The vegetables will ...
How to cook delicious Brussels sprouts?
Brussels sprouts are a mini analogue of white cabbage, but much healthier. Vitamins C, K, folic acid, manganese and fiber - Brussels sprouts are full of all this. Vitamin K strengthens bones and improves blood clotting. Vitamin C accelerates the absorption of iron and strengthens the immune ...
How can you hardly use oil when frying?
If you fry food in sunflower oil, then during the frying process, aldehydes, amides and radicals of polymeric fatty acids, ketones will be released. All of these are harmful and life-threatening substances. Moreover, they stand out not only during the smoke of oil, but also during moderate frying. ...
How to prolong the life of strawberries?
How to Extend the Life of Strawberries with Vinegar and Water? With the onset of summer, a lot of berries and fruits appear in our refrigerators. To make them live a few weeks longer, you need to follow simple rules. The method of soaking in vinegar is suitable not only for strawberries, but ...
Life hacks for a picnic
To do this, you need to use gripper bags. What is it? These are ordinary plastic bags with a fly-fastener. They are sometimes called zip-lock freezer bags. So that your picnic is not spoiled by annoying insects that will fly to sugary drinks. You can use our life hack: Pour your drink into ...
How to fix oversalted soup?
Sometimes, in a fit of culinary ecstasy, the hostess can oversalt the soup. And unfortunately, few people know how to fix it. The solution to the problem is very simple and quick. Take cereals and cheesecloth or a coffee filter. Finish the rump with cheesecloth. Rice works best, but you can use ...
How to cook eggs properly?
When do you need to salt scrambled eggs so that they don't turn out rubbery? How to make healthy and perfect soft-boiled eggs? “Salt the eggs only at the end of cooking. After all, salt quickly removes moisture from eggs, and this can make the texture of the dish rubbery and tough if applied ...